The Complete Book of Thai Massage The Healing Prana: Fifth Edition (e-book) is now available on MEB (
You can easily buy the e-book by following these steps;
- Create MEB account.
- Download MEB reader application.
- Search for the e-book and get the sample by Click here.
- Read the sample on MEB reader application. If you like it, go to next step.
- Buy the e-book.
- Now, you can enjoy reading full copy of the book on MEB reader application.
How to change MEB website language to English.
- Please go to and click Language at the bottom of the website.
- Select English. Then, the website will display in English.
- Create MEB account, please click Login/Register and follow the instruction step by step.
- Download MEB reader application, please go to can read e-book via various platform as follows;
- Windows, meb reader application must be downloaded accordingly.
- Android, meb+ application must be downloaded accordingly.
- iOS (iPhone, iPad), meb reader application must be downloaded accordingly.
- E-reader, meb reader application must be downloaded accordingly.
- Huawei, meb reader application must be downloaded accordingly.
After, meb application has been downloaded, please sign in to access your book shelf.
- On MEB (, search for the book and get the sample by Click here.
- Read the sample on MEB reader application. If you like it, go to next step.
1. On MEB reader application. Change language to English.
2. Log in your MEB account.3. Now, you can read the sample on your book Shelf.
- Buy the e-book.How to buy e-books, please go to can buy e-book via desktop, mobile browser, meb application on iOS or meb application on Android.Payment method, please go to method may vary according to the platform that you’re using as follows;
- Destop, credit/debit card payment or PayPal payment is recommended.
- Mobile browser, credit/debit card payment or PayPal payment is recommended.
- meb application on iOS, Apple id is automatically selected.
- meb application on Android, Google Play is automatically selected.
- Now, you can enjoy reading full copy of the book on MEB reader application.