Reader’s Review

The following reviews have been obtaining from past students at Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai and Thai Massage School of Thailand (TMC). We would appreciate your comment and review. Please send to us at Thank you.

Some of numerous reviews on the Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force: Third Edition from the readers who actually applied information from the book to the realityā€¦

They are students of TMC from around the world and the book is part of the classroom text on theory and practice of Thai massage.

Wonderful text and detailed summaries on techniques included and helpful note and contraindications, as well as the effects of positions on body. The book is complete with background history, anatomy, lifestyle theming and holistic benefits great introduction on getting acquainted with the healing art of Thai Massage.

The book is a great introduction for everybody who starts to work with Thai massage, but also everybody who is beginning his journey of exploring ancient systems, philosophy and medicine and natural healing methods. You get not only very in-detail description of Thai massage techniques, but also a wider context of Thai-history, traditionĀ  and philosophy.…

Lots of useful information, context and techniques. Clearly laid out. Plenty of pictures and description

Thorough, comprehensive, well – structured for effective learning and reference by students/ practitioner. Highly recommended for all who desires to learn the fundamentals and principles of Thai massage.

This is the basics of all the Thai Massage you will practice. You will learn about the origins and guiding principles as well as the sequences of movements and postures you will need to master.

I was very impressed with the book and very impressed you would take the effort to update to make it better. The book is very detailed with very in formative information to make understanding Thai massage easier. Very pleased to have as a reference for the further.

I think and believe that this book on the Thai massage is absolutely great. All chapters contain lots of valuable information and illustrations which are very easy and simple to explore and follow such appreciated ā€œpiece of knowledgeā€ for those interested in the alternative healing techniques.

As a massage therapist in Canada, I think this book is good for professional to use also for public who is interesting on Thai massage. Very detail explanation combine with clear and beautiful pictures. Beside the picture on every stretching posture, it shows the muscles what we stretching for, and also Sen sib we are…

I found this book to be a great introduction into the amazing world of Thai massage.

It is one of the best books I ever read connected with massage. A lot of photos with useful text. I think I will always need it, to practice and to repeat.

The book is the best out of all the books provided because it is in color and the pictures can be seen clearly. It goes in great detail which is the most important thing to learn Thai massage at TMC

Information in the book is very helpful in learning and in practice. Very good book

Easy to read and well-illustrated

Well made, a lot of picture explaining well everything. So itā€™s easy to practice again at home.

This book is very easy to understand with pictures even I am not native English speaker. All the pictures help me a lot. And I could gain some knowledge of anatomy Tip and diagrams

Very informative. I highly suggest anyone who is serious about Traditional Thai Massage to attend TMC.

Itā€™s a real good book! The pictures are clear and we have step to step for all massage. In the beginning chapters we have a good introduction about the Thai Medicine and itā€™s really interesting. Iā€™m very happy with this book.

The explanation on each lesson is well done and easy to understand. Thank you.

There are details pictures in the textbook make it easy to find line and start point end point

Very informative with in-depth explanations throughout the book. Illustration are easily understandable and easy to follow. This is great for level I students.

Very well thought out description and picture which combined give a clear instruction of the technique to be taught.

The book was extremely helpful and very detailed. It explained the positions and techniques clearly. Lots of great picture and diagrams.

The books are easy to follow and helpful for learning

This book helps me to learn Thai massage systematically and efficiently.

The book is awesome! So much information and really well set out.

The pictures coincide with the descriptions perfectly A+++ 10 out of 10.

It is a great book, very thorough. Awesome and clear illustration. Definitely recommend it.

This book can give to you so much information about Ancient Thai Massage. Thanks authors this great book.

The book is very helpful book. It is help me a lot. It gives me all information I want and also new information.

It is an excellent book to learn the basic techniques, it has excellent photos. The explanations are very clear and exactly like a teacher from the school will explain you in class. It is a very good option to have a book support when you are learning this wonderful technique and also like a professional…

I find this book well put together, clear and easy to use.

Level 1 book contains an abundance of information covering many areas of concern regarding Traditional Thai Massage. Clear illustration easy to read instructions make it an ease to follow perform the sequence.

Very good introduction to Thai Massage history and foundations-the sequences are very well described by means of pictures and clear descriptions and instructions. This book will become a fundamental reference for your future as a Massage Therapist.

The book is greatly detailed and illustrations are very clear. The instructions are easy to follow.

I think the book is clear and has really interesting information Thanks.

This book is very well laid art and comprehensive in detail. Great simple explanation, colorful and interesting.

It is a great book

The drawings of the technique are well made and details.

ā€œThe book is a very useful guide during the course. The information provided a clearly structure and the pictures help a lot to understand and the differ technique.

Very detailed and clearly, illustrated book. Very helpful for learning.

It is a good book for the photos and detailed information of each gesture. It is a good choice for both beginner and master classes.

The book is beautiful and detailed and very nice and it is colorful so it is beautiful and nice and very good and detailed and easy to learn and understand everything.

This book covers everything. You should know for the Basic knowledgeĀ  Thai Massage and even more. The pictures are very good and everything is explained well and easy to follow. It just looks beautiful and itā€™s a good addition to bookshelf and brain. It nice and good beautiful and friendly.

Very good information book.

The text book has very good step by step instructions with clear matching photos. The informative chapters at the beginning are fantastic and provide interesting background information about Thai massage, its history and how it is applied today.

The book is good and useful.

Itā€™s good, Thank you so much.

Very clear and complete the course manual. Excellent.

Really like the book. Especially the illustration for the techniques and posture etc. easy to follow

The text book is really good. There are a lot of pictures in it which explain everything really good and clearly.

Great, clear pictures, very detailed and helpful 10/10

Thank you for your candid reviews, we hope the new edition is fulfilling your desire for greater knowledge from the ancient of Thai massage even moreā€¦

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