Bestseller Thai Massage books at Chiang Mai Air Port

Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai by Thai Massage Book Press publish all text books and manuals use in all Thai massage classes in the vivid color printing professional done with pictures applied to each movement make the learning systematically successful for students with effectiveness and time efficiency.
The special occasions of the official books released and the graduation of students from several courses at TMC school. Students are very happy with their books that they got the chance to use them in real live classrooms. The group shared their enthusiastic with friends, classmates, relatives, the authors and their teachers at the graduation ceremony at TMC on 3 March 2017.
Ploy graduated AA –High Education Vocational Computer Major at Chiang Mai Vocational College with very good grade. She celebrates with her mother who dedicated her life to be with Ploy in all her days. The best moment for the two ladies.
Jan – CEO of TMC school and Thai Massage Book Press congratulates Ploy on behalf of everyone at TMC and Thai Massage Book Press. The fruitful of nearly 12 years education support is today with Ploy’s success.
Friends from previous schools are by her side. They were the one assisted Ploy during school days. True friendship is long lasting.
Kitti is graduated with high school diploma. We met him at Wang Nua, Lampang during the massage internship trip 12 year ago. We arranged for Kitti to be at the special school in Chiang Mai. The long years paid off with his high school completion.
Kitti posts with his mother and classmates.
His dream is to continue art study in college. We will continue support to fulfill his dream.
Thai Massage Book Press has been a part of TMC school and the former foundation under TMC to support education for special children and for special adults in the past and the present time. The following are the charitable activities for the special children education and to improve lives of special adults.
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai and Thai Massage Book Press celebrate the donation for special children and adults for 2015-2016 total of 564,995 Bath. The funding went to support special children education, improve living for special adult and to make to world better place for disadvantage people.
Reading is to open up the world for young and old people. Thai Massage Book Press and Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai donated 113 mostly prize winner books to the youths at Young Women Development Center in Chiang Mai up on their graduation from Foundation of Thai Massage class taught by GCT Teacher under teacher training in March 2016.
TMC in cooperation with Dharma Yogananda Foundation donated 204,000 baht to special children education 19.05.15. As the Foundation ends its operation in May 2014, support for special children education shall be donated directly by TMC
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 100,000 Baht to Dharma Yogananda Foundation for special children education and to improve living condition of the disabled adults. (23 May 2014)
Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai (TMC) donates 100,000 Baht to Dharma Yogananda Foundation for special children education and to improve living condition of the disabled adults. (8-2-13)
Donation 100,000 Baht to DYF for special children education by TMC student. (8-2-13)
TMC donate 100,000 Baht from “Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force” book sale proceeds to Dharma Yogananda Foundation (Formally SPF) for special children education (9-11-12)
TMC donate 100,000 Baht from “Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force” book sale proceeds to Dharma Yogananda Foundation (Formally SPF) for special children education (10-9-12)
TMC with joint support with DYF donated special funding of 50,000 Baht to Juvenile Detention Facility for the remodeling of bathroom facility at the school building for the boys (2012).
The authors meet with enthusiastic students waiting for the arrival of the Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force third edition.
The presentation of Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Life Force books during the Lanna Health Services Promotion Conference Chiang Mai September 2012 to the representatives from 5 nations in partner association with the Lanna Health Services Promotion Thailand:
The President of Chiang Mai Health Services Promotion Association,
Associate Professor Dr. Kannikar Phornphutkul and
Representatives of: Myanmar Private Hospitals’ Association;
Thai-Japan Association of Supporting Health and Welfare;
Malaya International Natural Medicine School, Taiwan;
and Cebu Holiday Tours & Travel Inc., Philippines.
The officials from the Chiang Mai Education Department were guests of honor to TMC during the celebration of 11th year anniversary and moving toward the 12th year of more dynamic Thai massage education.
Presentation of the book to the director of Thai Traditional Medicine and Herbs health fair in Bangkok, 2012
At the Thai Traditional Medicine and Herbs health fair in Bangkok.